
She's grating, but I think I've almost always felt bad for her. She's always been the girl strung along by Nate.

I don't remember a single one of those people, except for the dude who claimed to sleep with Paula. Who I truthfully didn't remember until this moment.

Just caught it? Regina's basically a chronic liar.

I'm gonna switch it up and say I preferred the last segment, but Safe Haven is obviously my second fave. The last segment made me pee a bit.

This is a bit spoilery, yo

Definitely. I would recommend not watching this film in its entirety. Just watch the shorts that appeal to you.

I saw this at Sundance a while back. Basically, the individual short story things are great. Ranging in terrifying to intentionally hilarious. But - the framing device sucks, kind of putting a damper on the whole thing.


So you're proposing that in the alt universe, he is less "cool" in a disinterested way, thus more willing to help hearing people understand him? I could buy that.

I thought that for a minute, but we've never seen him do that kind of thing in the regular Switched at Birth universe, for anyone.

So another question: Emmett…talked…more in this episode? Or at least he made more sound. I'm guessing the implication here is that without growing up with best friend deaf Daphne, Emmett never felt as comfortable in the deaf community, so he never went the total-silence route. Thoughts?

Fair enough!

I mean, it's also definitely how they look for Random Access Memories…

Anything with Bob Odenkirk will do, really.

I guess to clarify, I'm not saying you have to pick one or the other. I just pointed out Angelo as a comparison for whom I would consider not such a great dad.

Calling the 8th up on the right for the winner.

I'm probably going to keep pretending that this never happened.

Nah, they made such a huge deal about NOT doing it back in season 1 and Ty was being so hesitant about their relationship in general..seems like a stretch for that to happen.


Bay being baby Kathryn was too cute. I love Kathryn.