
No Alice Cooper?
He did a whole album of crazy, "From the Inside."

"Frank and Jesse James"
also symbolized the Everly Brothers, with whom Zevon toured extensively in the early '70s as keyboardist and band leader.

Of course you did, Dwide. Any Bs fan (as opposed to A.V. Club readers who are simpletons) would know that.

"Dolomite's my name, and fuckin' up muthafuckas is my game."

So Tired
Tired of waiting. Tired of waiting for you.
This taking second fiddle to Donna's SYTYCD is horseshit.

the title is more about the master plot. The Stricker thing is getting interesting.

Lost blows. I stopped watching after season 2, episode 1, when it was revealed that the mystery jungle monster was an invisible robot. Lost got too fucking silly and stupid. I'm delighted I didn't subject myself to the time travel bullshit.

No love for Frank Gorshin?

Have a good time ALL the time. That's my philosophy, Marty.

Anyone know the tune for the car chase scene? Dead Kennedys, maybe?

I was mainly considering that in a symbolic way, like the shades represent a facet of the spy persona he is leaving behind by blowing off Management; but if it is a real physical tool, that would be way fucking clever. Very interesting. Can't wait to find out in season 3!

drunko Spy Tip #1
When you need to make a bloody mary during a commercial break in the season finale without missing any action, your best bet is to grab all the ingredients and bring them to the viewing room. Then you can mix your drink when the car chase resumes.

CAN it?
It seems I'm the only one who wants to complain that Michael and Samantha recovering a perfect full hand print from a soda pop can is emphatically implausible.

With a lot of consonants, like an eastern european.

No, I don't think you're nit-picking there, Noel. Something about this episode just felt flat to me, and I too would suspect Dickerson and a problem with the rhythm.
My own nit-picking: I wondered how Sam knew where to find the FBI guys, and Gabrielle Anwar letting her accent slip when she said "C-4."

(I have always assumed Sam's standard alias is a reference either to former Oakland A's owner Charles O. Finley, or ex-Angels pitcher Chuck Finley.)

Sam's exploits
I had been wondering when we would get back to Sam's adventures in hustling sugar mamas. This comeback really hit the mark.

They use the cops frequently without contacting them directly, like making Rachel confess ("Hot Spot," last week) and leaving her two thugs tied up outside the precinct, and there are several examples of setting up their foes to be caught by the fuzz.