Johnny Debitcard

No Southern Christians on the board now?

He is going "One Step Beyond"

"BOUT FUCKING TIME."  Al Capwne's mother five minutes before her shift starts at the brothel.

Well, writing the Thomas dialogue during arguments may be challenging….

Wait, so which one is the fast-talking one and who is the stuffy guy?  I hate when they leave out the details.

Well, when that's their only interest….

God damn ageist Millennials…[Puts on flannel shirt, Doc Martens, and plays Ren & Stimpy's "Happy Happy Joy Joy" to get back to his Gen X happy place].

R.E.M. did a really great cover of the Roky Erickson song of the same name.  I think it is the only R.E.M. track where Bill Berry sings.

You need to look at the timeline.  The lawsuit is over a year old, so the actions took place before LL Cool J and Brad Paisley finally ended racism, building on the momentum from the help.

Did he have anything to do with the Revolting Cocks projects?  If so, there's another good joke in there.

He would pay for it himself, but after his home was destroyed by the Apocalypse…

I hear that tea with some honey and lemon is good for the voice.  I can't imagine all that yodeling and such in country music would help.

Little known fact—Charley Steiner was the sixth member of N.W.A. before joining ESPN.

Yeah, Chris Brown doesn't respect women like Aaliyah's husband R.Kelly, statutory pisser.

Next is the spy sequel….Octopiggy!

I actually thought the photo was Jeff Foxworthy, but then I remembered it was for a comedy show.

All they need is some beer for breakfast.

"Juggalo Dreams" = Fanta + Meth + Parents Gone for Weekend

Surprised that Phoenix does not play Phoenix (AZ)