Johnny Debitcard

{STANDS ON DESK} Oh Robin, my Robin!

{STANDS ON DESK} Oh Robin, my Robin!

I wrote a similar story: "The Three's Company You Keep" about deciding whether the Roepers or Don Knotts made the more entertaining landlord.

I wrote a similar story: "The Three's Company You Keep" about deciding whether the Roepers or Don Knotts made the more entertaining landlord.

Well, how many of these artists would allow their music to be used at a Romney/Ryan rally?

Well, how many of these artists would allow their music to be used at a Romney/Ryan rally?

I can't believe Pussy Riot music would lead to murder.  Bieber Fever, on the other hand, is known to create incredibly violent rages…

I can't believe Pussy Riot music would lead to murder.  Bieber Fever, on the other hand, is known to create incredibly violent rages…

Isaac the Bartender: [Shakes head sadly, pours out a blenderfull of pina colada by the pool]

Isaac the Bartender: [Shakes head sadly, pours out a blenderfull of pina colada by the pool]

That's why they can't close the casket….

That's why they can't close the casket….

I thought I was supposed to call Jenny at 8-6-7-5-3-0-9

I thought I was supposed to call Jenny at 8-6-7-5-3-0-9

Being cast and being cut, it's all part of The Tree of Life..

Being cast and being cut, it's all part of The Tree of Life..

Best SNL Athlete appearances:
1.  Peyton's United Way football.
2.  Michael Jordon as Stuart Smalley's guest.
3.  Charles Barkley vs. Barney in basketball
4.  Paul Simon vs. some NBA guy in basketball
5.  Joe Montana going to masterbate.

Best SNL Athlete appearances:
1.  Peyton's United Way football.
2.  Michael Jordon as Stuart Smalley's guest.
3.  Charles Barkley vs. Barney in basketball
4.  Paul Simon vs. some NBA guy in basketball
5.  Joe Montana going to masterbate.

Ten bucks says the Decemberists are involved with a Model UN competition.

Ten bucks says the Decemberists are involved with a Model UN competition.