
It's two clowns.

Freshman year in college, I was invited to have dinner at my white girlfriend's parents' house. They asked her if I knew how to use a fork and knife or if they should buy chopsticks for the occasion.

I don't know if this has been mentioned before and it wasn't exactly relevant to this episode, but doesn't Diggle need a disguise at this point? It looks a little ridiculous when Oliver and Roy are running around in color coded uniforms while Diggle backs them up in his leather jacket. Get the guy a mask, at least.

I wanted this one:

Yeah, I really like those two, along with 'Time', 'Samaritan Girl', and 'The Isle'. 'The Bow' can be really beautiful at times, but the ending is a mess. 'Bad Guy' is interesting, but a little too on the nose.

I thought he was great in this episode, but they need to work on those prop claws. He looks awkward as hell holding those things and his action scenes have been really subpar for this show.

Same here. I was a Marvel kid growing up. I originally watched Arrow out of curiosity. The show has inspired me to learn more about the DC Universe, to the point where I watched all of the Justice League animated series in a week (and was irrationally excited when Green Arrow finally showed up).

He can play the Beyonder. White disco suit and all.

What about an episode like 'Tapestry'? Sure, Q's in it, but he's mostly just a plot device so Picard can relive the past and then have his 'It's a Wonderful Life' moment. It's less Picard vs. Q, more like young Picard ('Johnny'…or is it 'Jean-ie'?) vs. adult Picard.

Howabout Cranston as Mr. Fantastic, Aaron Paul as the Human Torch, Anna Gunn as the Invisible Woman and Dean Norris as the Thing?  At the very least, someone float this idea to them for Halloween.

The only Voyager episodes I tend to revisit are the Doctor and/or Seven focused ones.  Janeway was just uninteresting and poorly written.  Besides her strict adherence to the Prime Directive, I'm kind of at a loss as to what else she was supposed to represent as a character.  And what's sad is that she wasn't even the

"Fuck you, Santa!"

They might have inadvertently crossed…Roboyatollah.

I just figured it was a nice nod to Weller's academic career in ancient history — he has a master's degree in Roman and Renaissance Art, taught a few college courses and is currently pursuing a PhD in art history   Also was the host of History Channel's 'Engineering an Empire'.

To be fair, it's in the original also.

@Joey Jo-Jo Jr Shabadoo:  excerpt from a 1994 SPIN article (where the author recalls the first time he met Kim Thayil):

As much as I'd like to think that Stark soldiers are more honorable and chivalrous than Bolton's men, we did see Brienne kill three Stark men who boasted about raping and executing some tavern women who got a little too friendly with Lannisters.

Roose Bolton also advocates torturing Lannister captives midway through season 2: "A naked man has few secrets, a flayed man none."  It took a while, but later we see Ramsay starting to skin Theon's finger.

Ros reached down there and seemed to find…nothing.

And Ethan (or rather, William Mapother) did do a guest spot on an episode this season…