
Years ago, you could often see Mr. Rogers walking in the Oakland section of Pittsburgh, and I can tell you first-hand, when Mr. Rogers smiles at you, you stay smiled-at.

I heart Lovecraft, so I'll take this recommendation, but what's up with the spelling/lettering mistake in the second panel above?

Yoko's wearing too much eye makeup.

Yoko's wearing too much eye makeup.

Ivan Reitman Presents: Edward Albee's "Hostbusters".

Ivan Reitman Presents: Edward Albee's "Hostbusters".

For a few weeks there, she had more rhymes than he did.

For a few weeks there, she had more rhymes than he did.

Does AV Club know?

Does AV Club know?

"This looks like fun— a bench!"

"This looks like fun— a bench!"

Binky Brown Meets the Holy Virgin Mary.

Binky Brown Meets the Holy Virgin Mary.

How old was Gary X when he first read Catcher? Most people I've met who first read it as an adult, hate that prick. I first read as a teen, and about 8 times since.

How old was Gary X when he first read Catcher? Most people I've met who first read it as an adult, hate that prick. I first read as a teen, and about 8 times since.

"Melvin and Howards"

"Melvin and Howards"

The sketch nails the film.

The sketch nails the film.