
I want to see President Camacho murder The Smiler with his bare hands. In real life.

no kinks?

"This song is called HATE YOU PLEASE DIE" -Crash, Crash and the Boys


good but no FREAK

so troy's scream makes this all an obvious homage to Run Lola Run correct?

Probly thought The American was going to be another Bourne movieā€¦. twat.

Chungking Express

what bitchezz

wow, creating a new company as a pr move? bold, douchebags, bold

Automatic A

All Hail He Who Died A FREE MAN

remake the wild bunch and die by Gatling Gun.fullstop.

michael sheen
was just trying to be david bowie, cut him some slack

he didn't like doing it
in both ears

is open for business