Justice Anderson

It sucks that shows as good as this struggle to get support from there network and never find an audience. Its even more frustrating that there is probably nothing that can be done at this point to save the show. I'll miss it when its gone.

Such an amazing first season. I hope it can keep it up (and Improve!) in its second season! I didn't care for Peralta when the season started, but now…he is pretty freaking awesome.

I saw ABC is developing a pilot about an Investigative Journalist…if that counts…

What is this…what specifically? You're criticizing with general terms, not actually giving a reason why the episode was a miss.

I give it a B+…some people saying this was terrible are ridiculous. Seems like they say it should get a bad grade, simply because the narrative is that the show is bad now.

I was too young to watch many of the great shows (Arrested Development, Firefly) that have been cancelled in the past, and I haven't been too upset with any recent cancellations, but I will be incredibly sad when this doesn't get renewed. So funny, yet so heartfelt.

Jesus… I didn't see Skinny Chubowski coming. This show continues to bring it every week.

You could have just said four comedies.

Dexter season 1….celebrate the good times!

Jake has never been more likable. I wonder where they are going with the Diaz-Boyle thing after Rosa finds out Boyle never told Vivian she was in love with her…but, overall an amazing episode, possibly my favorite yet.

Most definitely. Also, the scene where we see how Marty and Rust live their every day lives was great.

I was wondering…does it finally have it in him to commit suicide?

It's good to see the show is improving, hopefully it can continue that momentum into the final 2 episodes (and carry that over into a second season).

God…loved this episode. I seriously hope by some miracle it can get another season

Yeah…lol. I was wondering why Barney asked if anyone else's balls hurt.

So…all the comments are trashing it so far. I though it was EASILY the funniest episode in a long time. The fact that they actually did the Weekend At Barney's was unexpected and just fantastic.

Dan Harmon basically rules my life…and I love it. Time for a 6th season of Community!

Sweet, I hope it is good, he totally deserves it.

"Eyes up here, Gina. I'm more than just a piece of ass."

I try not to rag on Dead or Alive, because it gave me one of my favorite scenes in Supernatural.