
Does she know what a skilled hacker Elliot is? That was unclear to me.

Felt so up and down to me. The football sketch was one of their best ever - the way it seamlessly evolved from SNL-esque one-upping skit to flat-out action movie was incredible. They can make these ridiculous ideas feel so organic.

I'm no expert, but the discomfort with physical contact, lack of eye contact in conversations and general social cluelessness seem very asperger's-y to me.

Yes, 100%. Because it's really, really good; really, really fun; and based on the buzz and early pickup you could be getting on board with this year's True Detective (or even this year's Breaking Bad) while it's still fresh.

They "have to" from a network standpoint, I believe, the same way Breaking Bad and Mad Men did (until one last triumphant uncensored "fuck" in the finale of Mad Men if I remember correctly). Standards and practices thing I believe? Which is pretty damn funny because of all the shit they do show.

It's unfortunate that any movie / show that makes a case against the current radical capitalist global order gets labeled and derided as a Fight Club knockoff. While Elliot is clearly an unstable character, a lot of the points he makes (and a lot of the points Mr. Robot makes) are entirely correct and astute.

Fuck yeah you guys added this show. It has to be the most exciting thing in all of TV this year.