
Come on.


Not that I disagree completely, but rape IS (in many cases) different, in that it is also physically approximating closely an act that people engage in freely.

If it was possible to imagine such a thing, maybe.

I believe what they first released was a yearbook photo.

Yeah, but do you SEEM like a rapist? I think that's the salient point in this guy's defense - he's a white little fun dude, he can't possibly be a a REAL rapist!

Girls not in cheerleader uniforms, eww!

Hoping he'll do more!

I love each of these mediocre movies, so yours is a terrible idea!

Was "Regression" even in theaters? I completely missed it if it was, but watched it on Amazon Prime. Really enjoyed it and its twist on the supernatural.

I wish there was a way to set a save point on the eve of the election, see him win, live with it for four years, and then go back and reload.

I almost get the feeling Ryan is looking for the right moment to get forced out. I think all the Randians are not so secretly disgusted with the party right now.

Not Jesus?

"You need to wake up and see that it's not the lesser of two evils, it's two equal evils."

There's nothing I could possibly say to convince you that she's not Satan incarnate at this point.

Sure, those were the exact things I meant.

Just give him a chance and we'll see.

"Plus, at this point, she is the only thing standing between Donald Trump and the Presidency."

Just spitballin' here, but could it be because someone thinks she seems like a knowledgeable, reasonably level-headed, take-no-shit, competent, experienced, empathetic leader who wouldn't let this country completely fall off the deep end socially and economically?

It's actually very good right now, IMO. Well, not right now, since it's on a break. But the past month or two has been great. Fantastic correspondent lineup, possibly one of the best.