
Yeah these last two episodes seemed to have a more relaxed Colbert.

". I didn't expect it to be a clone of the Colbert Report but at least in
that show he told witty and intelligent jokes that had a rhythm to them
that would give you belly laughs. Now on the Late Show he holds back
from saying anything too divisive that could potentially alienate

Ooh, embedding…! The rick-roll killer!

Eh. Enjoy the show, but it's too long. I do think Colbert needs to up his Tweet game a bit, but that's not crucial to the show's survival. What he really needs to do is relax and have fun. Bring back the zaniness. He'll be alright if he just does that.

If they want to do a video, fine with me, I'm not picky. :)

Even worse, it turns out it only contained Season One.

Yeah it ended like a random episode of "Criminal Minds" (with some weird supernatural-ish element thrown in). It literally could not have ended in a worse way, IMO.

I'm just glad people put it out there. Maybe there's a threshold effect where eventually it just builds up enough to make a difference.

That is definitely true.

Well, that's an opinion.

"I get it - as long as the president is one that you like, it's okay for him to use drones that will likely kill civilians that are not the targets. "

I don't understand your point. Who is telling Trump voters that their problems aren't as serious as someone elses? I have literally never seen that.

"Meanwhile, there is a president in office who likes bombing and killing
Muslims with drones and is actively deporting immigrants on a scale not
seen in years."

"If I didn't have enough money to make ends meet, and one party was
saying that someone else with the same problem has it rougher because
they're also a minority, that's all academic to me. My problems are
always going to trump everyone else's, until I'm comfortable enough to
start worrying about other people. "

Trump is not similar to anyone. He has literally zero experience in office of any kind, he is incapable of letting the smallest slight go, he uses rhetoric AND promotes policies that has (for numerous VERY good reasons) been out of bounds for mainstream politicians, etc… I really can't emphasize enough how different

Are you saying that without primaries we don't have a democracy? That's a ludicrous statement.

Moreover, the nomination is a party affair. Yeah, it's sad if the party rigs it, but is it "election fraud"? Hell, they could just skip the entire primary process if they felt like it.

It's MUCH easier. Trump has promised to stop Muslims, deport Mexicans, and talk shit about lots of people. And build a wall (all in unison now: "and make Mexico pay for it!") That's why he won the nomination.

"the sad fact is that all of trumps attributes (being a hugely wealthy
loudmouth know-nothing crude xenophobic sexist asshole) simply appeals
to a certain segment of the U.S. population. many of them aspire to be
more like him."

Oh no, now you're being smug! That will make people sad and they will vote for Trump, so it's your fault.