Don't have any intercourse at all for a month (or whatever time you feel would be good). Let whatever else happens happen, but agree that you are not allowed to actually have sex. At all. No matter how much you want.
Don't have any intercourse at all for a month (or whatever time you feel would be good). Let whatever else happens happen, but agree that you are not allowed to actually have sex. At all. No matter how much you want.
"We were shitfaced and met on the subway home at 3 am. Like normal people do."
I think that's true for most things? When you stop being conscious about it, things work themselves out.
I thought "Internet dating" was just called "dating" these days.
My point was that I would have a hard time as a performer, sitting in an office somewhere and pretending to be held prisoner in something called the "Starkiller Base". I love watching movies of course like everyone else, but I can't take seriously the process of actually making them (except for the screenwriting…
Sure, in 2026.
"What was going through her mind? Did she think of some traumatic event that happened to her, enabling her to cry like that?"
Does that mean she never cries now? Or that she says "I promise, it's for real" when she does it?
Watching adults play make believe in mundane environments never fails to make me chuckle. I could never be an actor, I'd be way too rational about it. "You realize this is ridiculous, right?"
Count Less, the arch enemy of The Count of Sesame Street.
If you had asked about Matthew McConaughey, I would've guessed "soon".
I believe that's just the synopsis for Dinesh D'Souza's next documentary.
He didn't do it. That video? Did you not hear me, I said he didn't do it. *does Jedi Mind Trick motion*
Yeah, I hated the trailer, but the movie itself was OK. Not great, but decent enough. Incredibly juvenile and dumb, but at least it didn't pretend not to be.
I think this movie hits all the right notes to get the most restricted rating everywhere, unlike a lot of the R-rated movies on the top grossing list (like Pretty Woman for example, mentioned earlier, which is rated G or PG in some places).
It is probably the most childish R-rated movie I can think of.
I wouldn't be so sure.
Yeah, it's some bizarre fetish for him.
"I'm sort of curious why this type of film generates so much
hand-wringing, when tons and tons of garbage movies get made all the
These films are simply mainstream movies for a broad audience, an audience that is very familiar with doubt, a pillar of Christianity from the start, but that wants to see a perfect and uplifting vision of what Christ can do on the big screen. If it works as propaganda, great, but it's primarily wish fulfillment for…