
I'm taking this is a bit of sarcasm.  I didn't find being a school shooter as something that makes it "hard enough to look past and find him endearing."  I found him to be a school shooter who was in no way endearing.  The fact that he rapes people—both men and women—and continues to murder are right in character.

Maybe because they like Grimm more?  Just a thought.  I love how people claim that anyone who doesn't share their tastes are "idiots."  Guess what?  I gave up on Fringe in the first season, because I watched Chris Carter do a better job with that shit long ago.  Abrams has yet to have an original freaking idea that

It's easy enough to watch it OnDemand.  The episodes are up on NBC's channel fairly quickly.

Does it have to be an either-or proposition, though?  I'd go with "neither" and be done with it.

That only works if you subscribe to some stupid notion that there are things women "shouldn't" say.  If you get over that particular hang-up,  there's nothing there.  Boring.  Done.  Played.

So, you were listening to DK and wearing skinhead gear?  Sounds like someone was a bit confused, and perhaps just in it for the fashion, after all.  Not surprising that you found it so easy to "be absorbed into the mainstream."