Jaimes Right Hand

@avclub-b9a25e422ba96f7572089a00b838c3f8:disqus Fair enough on Walt's appearance, but they also let three masked men into her house right after Walt went on the lamb. They have some serious issues with their system.

Jesse demanding Walt say that he wanted it, rather than that Jesse wanted it, was great. Then Jesse not shooting him and telling him to do it himself. He got the closure he needed with Walt in that moment. Perfect. (I know I've called a lot of moments perfect in this comments section, but seriously, I loved this

Yeah, and honestly his whole trip to New Mexico in that stolen car also slipped into fantasy a bit. There's no way he wouldn't get caught. But I was just so satisfied that these minor quibbles of reality didn't affect my experience at all.

As he was driving, I had Vince Gilligan's "polarizing" comment in the back of my head, and I had a horrible vision of him just getting T-Boned. Thank God this show isn't that sadistic.

JESSE KILLED TODD! I don't think I have ever cheered on a strangling so much in my life. And Walt cutting off Jack's speech the same way Jack cut off Hank. They managed to satisfy me in ways I never could have even imagined.

Best possible finale, or bestest possible finale? These are the questions people!

Apparently anyone can sneak up on the surveillance cops in ABQ. Seriously, how do you let the most wanted man in the US past you and into his wife's house.

"If I have to hear you say you did it for the family one last-"

That scene was so horrifying and hilarious. Chris saying you're making me very sad was absolutely perfect too. God, it's good to have these characters back in my life.

@HeavyEarly yeah, I don't think that he will go after Gretchen and Elliott, just that they reignited his ego and spurred him back into action. I also probably oversold the rain of glory thing slightly, but I still think this is his way to end the Heisenberg saga on his own terms. He's giving himself back the power

I can honestly see the ricin being for himself. He'll do his business (whatever that means now, seriously who knows who the hell he's going to hunt down) and then go out on his own terms. He won't sit there powerless, waiting for the cancer to take him, nor will he go down to the cops. He'll go out eating the ricin,

It's really amazing how this show manages to make me hate the neo-nazis more every week. The way they laughed at Jesse crying in his confessional tape, breaking in to Skyler's house to threaten her baby, killing Andrea in front of Jesse then threatening the same for Brock unless he remained their meth slave.

That ending sequence was absolutely stunning. The music, the cinematography as the shot panned from the cops outside to the empty glass on the bar.

@olivececile:disqus I definitely agree with what you're saying about Janae's focus on track and field being the reason she didn't date guys. I actually found her story to be really relatable. Her life was likely focused almost entirely on track, because she was so naturally gifted. It's likely people pushed her to do

From what i understand, the TV reviews section is for previews before the show airs, a midseason update review, and a final season review. Also, these reviews will be done, if all works, by reviewers who don't review it weekly. This gives a chance to not only see a different perspective on the show, but to also check

Yeah, I was definitely already on Braugher's side before the monologue, but I still appreciated that he gave it. It gave his character more depth and I think it grounded Peralta slightly because it allowed him to realize why Braugher was being such a hardass. As much as I thought Samberg's speech before arresting

Agreed, if Samberg was playing an incompetent, buffoon trying to be a detective, the show would probably be unwatchable. Luckily, we were treated to a very solid pilot for what looks to be a promising show.

I'm really surprised that a number of people found Samberg to be so grating in this. Granted, his standard schtick only works in 5 minute doses max, even if you do like him, but I thought he found the right tone here between his traditionally muggy, over-the-top persona and the more grounded, real human being he needs

Wow, this pilot was actually really impressive. It managed to balance the crime plot, introducing all of the characters, and jokes really well. I'm sure future episodes will gel even better now that the necessary pilot exposition is out of the way. I went in with decent expectations and they were easily met. If the