
Audiobook form? As opposed to Pog form?

Is it just me or did the dialogue in Excalibur sound like it was all looped in later? I guess they could have mics on set or green reflectors, but not both.

Ah for the good old days when it was easier to keep the lion-mauling of a production assistant quiet. The unions killed the golden age of pictures, I says. Them and OSHA. I lost a leg on the set of Ben Hur, but did I squeal? No. I took my lumps like a man.

"Well, you take your finger, see? You take take that finger and you stick it in an ear, like so. Could be your ear, could be someone else's ear, but it has to be an ear. Different orifices, different flavor profiles and such. With me so far? Then swirl that finger around a bit…"

I believe Michael York is available.