
no mames guey

See Also: James Chance

Well, I do believe flashing should be legal, as long as it only takes place on or adjacent to a slippery slope.

I don't really understand the danger to unwitting bathroom-goers. Either they go about their night with only the scent or aura of an unleashed erect penis lapping against their body, or the worst case of them seeing a naked man happens. As it is the bathroom of a bar, the only people likely to ever see him would be

Technically there was a reason he came out and started shooting away if he realized they were going to start opening up those shipping containers.

I'm still hoping his cameo as a Canadian mobster brings him back at the end of the Justified season to clean up the remains of the Kentucky crime bosses as mis-directed revenge for doing in his buddy Will Sasso

High expectations lift all boats???

You're gonna like the way this new band name heterosexualizes your image… I guarantee it.

We should really get to interbreeding that remaining 10 percent for a generation of super-fallers.

Men's Rights… ummm…. errr… Android?

I'm pretty sure it is possible. From my vague recollections of One Hour Photo, Insomnia and even World's Greatest Dad, he isn't the slave to pure blathering that cliche pop references make him out to be.

You do for ratings stunts.

You forgot to account for the 85% of O'Reilly's audience that is just captive gym-rats. They will continue to run in place and dumbbell press in ignorance as closed captioning scrolls by to their personal ipod soundtracks of NIN/Jock Jams/Beefheart.

Ian McKellen was in Gods and Monsters with Brendan Fraser -> Fraiser highlighted the lives of the Crane brothers -> Bob Crane dead in Scottsdale

And Gandalf was played by a gay actor. There we go 9-degrees-of-fictional-character-sexuality game completed with moves to spare.

About $7000 dollars/year as a Peace Corps volunteer in Mexico. My favorite show is the baby burro that just can't stop licking the salt off the wall across the street from my house.

I imagine each episode will end with an increasing number- as the episode count goes up- of be-wigged Bruce Willis being shot down in an airport terminal before the eyes of his younger self. Here's hoping it gets to at least four seasons.

Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihut Strang. You just found the man with his hand on the faucet.

That Johnnie, he did it again!

R.I.P. Bradley Cooper, child actor turned Emmy-winning director and Superman star.