
More horrible stories from Oklahoma universities. I went to the Univ. of Tulsa for a Geology BS and my History of the Biosphere course (essentially ident of geologic strata through fossil identification and dating) kept letting it slip in the most oblique ways that he was a believer in creationism. Sweet guy though.

Seriously? I'm from Tulsa. Thankfully my HS Biology teacher followed a curriculum based in science back in '06. Must have gotten out before they rounded up the last of the natural sciences teachers and put em against the wall.

Aw, give him a break. You know he can't write comedy very well.


What's the situation on inferring the presence of criticism of the military in anything remotely related to the military?

I guess. Her subplot was what, 5 minutes of screen time? But I suppose it was a bit much to have a whole other character for just one more in a string of events where the only purpose was showing that every adult in the movie is a self-centered piece of garbage.

If this is the week they would be covering that horrible episode with the John Lennon character that never got above abysmal level, not surprising.

Did your dog lick the bottom of your feet and slightly give you a tickle? It's the only scenario that makes sense.

It's simpsons week, right? Hence the grasping at connections between pop culture happenings and The Simpsons. And he's not a facsimile of Huxtable or Cosby, which is why we get the meandering hypothesizing from the writer. Calm the fuck down.

Hmmm, how about this place? Moe's…

How many things must Rogan put in his butt to make you laugh, you mirthless monster

"Jabroni", "Donkey-brained"… Mac?

What people don't understand is that Guy Pearce has a clause in his contract that states his older self is never to be played by another actor. He is incredibly scared of his own mortality and can't stand the thought of being in the same room with someone that will remind him of the slow creep of death coming to take

I could at least half way lose myself in that movie's dialogue with the other characters, but with Diaz I felt like she was reading the lines for the first time and applied the same dead characterless slickness to each delivery no matter the context, all while not knowing the meaning of the words she was saying.

Get out of here Ira Glass!

You sound like my dad. Stop trying to make me get in to physical altercations as a 'character-building exercise', Dad!

His childhood friend has joined the mob and is stuck between two rival factions. His name: Rocky Lugarduro

How silly. I went to a public school and was only in one proto-fight which was more of a dust up where I was eventually shoved into a locker door, head first. But I only witnessed two real fights in all of my schooling and the two parties involved were total shitheels. Why would anyone intervene in fights where the

The beef eating kids these days didn't want to be Sam Elliot anymore. What a sad, soprano-voiced world.

It was good epoch for these kind of serial police investigator dramas. I think I binged on Top of the Lake, The Fall and True Detective around the same time.