
Can we talk about the fact that Joan is living in Chelsea? I just don't understand how she can afford that "utterly pleasant" apartment in Chelsea while she works as a private investigator.

I think we've found a bigger know-it-all douchebag…who inserts superfluous commas and has internalized Hollywood's beauty standards. Todd was absolutely right to point out that Bernadette is super attractive; I would even go so far to say she's out of Howard's league, never mind frakkin Starbuck. Basically they put

The uneaten cake drove me nuts too! As did the Jar Jar jokes. I doubt that would have been funny even in 1999.

I was wondering why no one was shouting Tina Spaaahkle, but here we are.

I used to work in Downers Grove! Ok, Lisle, but pretty much the same thing.