Shaggy is Easy

@avclub-62812d8eb06386505986efff8b5e43ac:disqus I get this.

So Christ is like the Grinch to the Pagans?
Christ was Green and furry?
I ask as an unknowledgeable Zoroastrian.


Yes, yes, it is a highly artistic rape, one worthy of the ages. I mean, there have been rapes in other artistic subcultures, but wow, this one is so much more visceral and cerebral, but still with a nod to most classical styled rapes. I applaud this rape! Now, on to the next exhibit!


4 times for me so far, including while I was commenting. Fuck small buisnesses, I'm goin' to Wally-Mart for all my cheap Chinese Christmas crap…
Just kidding, I only buy small gifts for any relatives on Christmas, but fuck that horrible ad.

That costs extra…

How can you tell if you are riding with a carload of stoners? They all wind down their windows when you drive by a dead skunk.
Not a joke, true story…

Oh hell yes!
Get on it Sergio!

If only…

Ahem…Captain Carrot and his Amazing Zoo Crew?

Yeah, what about the sausage toilet seat?

All hail Zod! They all suck and should be destroyed!

Nuke 'em from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.

Don't let them give you any of that flank steak bullshit, try the London broil!

Hey nobody makes them work at the sweatshop! If they want a better job, they just need to work harder!

Don't praise the chain.

Add another name to my restaurant possibilities….


Wouldn't the Invisible Girl be the non-attractive, shy plain girl who blends into the background? And why not make the Thing one of those hyper-orange tanned New Jersey shore goons.