Shaggy is Easy

Stiff competition from the weed thread..

Yeah, but, really, who the hell would put tomatos on beef carpaccio anyway?

My Little Pony porn? Yeah, there seems to be plenty of that out there…
What is wrong with people? Just give me my old fashioned tentacle vore and I'm a happy person.

A Sauv Blanc? With all that mutton and baby they eat? No no, hearty and red good sir!

Pinot Noir Walkers

Did you realize that the leading cause of death for field geologists is drowning? Due to said backpacks full of gear and rocks, and slippery rocks in streams. I just remember being told this when I was doing soil studies in the field. Nothing at all to do with busting ghosts.

I dunno, Jennifer's character seemed kina happy when she pulled out that full baggie at the end…

I was thinking about socializing a little this winter, maybe finding a girlfriend….But this news means I don't have to!

Try in the East Texas area, they still do a fairly good job.

Really? REALLY???
Here I just stopped by to make fun of vampires, and you deliver the best news in my whole week.

I Am Going to GABF.

Hold still while I gas you!

That would be Squab Squad.


My first reaction after reading all of them: What the fuck is wrong with people?

He sits on his stool all day writing these things.

Here, have a pamphlet about the Dark Side of the Force…

Where the hell is Crispin Glover?

I…I think it's the greatest thing I have evar seen!

Amusement is Control
Amusement is Control
Hail Hail Moon God
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Put In The Eye Hole
Grow Like Plant
Sampsons Is Sampson