Shaggy is Easy

I did mean plaid suit in the metaphorical sense. And your comments are always witfull and stupidless.

No Buzz, it's the plaid suit.

Northern Lights you say?

Speaking of buildings and penises…

Ok, real story…In Alaska, in most outhouses, there will be a stick inside. When it is sub-zero in the winter, the "shit stalagmite", a tower of frozen feces, grows closer and closer as the outhouse is used more and more. When it is in butt touching distance, you beat it down with the stick.
I didn't say it was a

It can be two things…

Speaking of buildings and penises….


….so you're saying there's a chance????

Ooooooh, she's a singer…..

This was a very proper way to state Colbert's career so far. And you said it without spraying crumbs everywhere.

Kids today…

Speaking for myself, I'm quite good looking. Why, I stare at myself in the mirror for hours every day.

Bathing with women is one of the things that lives up to any hype given it.

Plus he was on The Wonder Years….

Put 'em back in, Nuck. We still got Alaska!

Like a Ken doll, he is.

If anyone you meet in real life ever says they are an architect, just take a swing at 'em. You'll feel better.

You need to stop thinking about Lee Majors.

So, is this god trilogy written by Oolon Coluphid?
Some of God's Biggest Mistakes
Where God Went Wrong…
Just Who Is This God Fellow Anyways?