Shaggy is Easy

Farm and Fleet rocks. You can get the best Carhartts there.

I loved that comic!
Peter Porker, The Amazing Spider-Ham!

This hurts my brain.

Hell yeah Skinny Puppy! Got to see my first show in Denver last month. It was an excellent show.

Yeah, what do you have against scumbags?

Hey, you find a girl who likes anal sex, you MARRY that girl!

HAHAHAAHAAAA! Carolina(snicker) Hurricanes? Why not watch peewee hockey?


But did he ever learn how to use the 3 seashells?
Oh, you mean the Good Dredd movie? Yeah, just another day in Block City….

Something about the texture is just….off…for me.

Home-made Cadbury cream eggs!

It's the only thing I ever wanted.


It was definitely included in the comic. And if she didn't keep it for that reason, then Gambit should have…


Genosha. What a Utopia. Then those X-men had to come in and wreck up the place.

Spelling does count.

Are you saying that one vote doesn't count? That one voice, raised in anger, cannot change anything?
You sir or madam, are Un-American….And I will not let this aggression stand!

Radio Shack sold poison milk to school children.

I grew up in Colorado…no wonder everyone else always looks fat to me.