Shaggy is Easy

It was quite delicious. everything worked well with everything else.
Oh, and I also caught the halibut…

Curry dusted baked halibut with celery root puree, balsamic asperagus, roasted tomato and leek.

Sepultura? Ministry? I like the cut of your jib.

"You're white! You're white! You can't fight sequels!"
That's all I know from the trailer, I figure 2 more movies before he's in a dress as an old white grandmother. Honky Grandma Be Trippin'!

No, it really was as bad as people….

One more pun, and Armageddon outta here…


Mary was a virgin if you don't count anal….

But how many bagger was she?

I never liked the term "black out drunk". I prefer saying "letting my other out".

Chef…don't get me started about chef…
As if anyone who is a chef has any time whatsoever to run around the city on dates every day, time for whacky misadventures that just lead to a deeper love forming between him/herself and anyone not involved in the industry. There is a reason that chefs date/bang waitrons…they

Sell it on eBay.

Tim's Jalapeno chips. The downfall of man.

You are only considered a genocidal maniac if you don't succeed.

Lying sack of shit! I was the one wearing the converse! Those were the only tracks in the sand!

I feel like I'm the only guy left who doesn't like the idea of any of it. I have my kinks, sure, but BDSM? Just gives me a raging softie. I have no interest in restraints, whipping, etc….I have been asked if I wanted to tie a woman up. Errr, no thanks, I gotta run…And the thought of being called Daddy? I retch

They play in Denver in a couple weeks too. I believe I shall go see them.

Thanks Oboma.
Did I do that right?

San Dimas High School football RULES!

I would go for the Alice Cooper opening, then leave, because I do not like the crue.