Shaggy is Easy

Go Wynkoop!

What a coincidence….

There you go, shooting your mouth off again….
At least I hope it was your mouth.

Great minds….errrr, filthy drunken minds think alike!

I guess there are more of us in Denver than I supposed. Should do one of them "meet up" thingys that the east coasters always seem to do.

No, TRVE Brewing! We can have beer and listen to heavy metal!

I'm just going to hang around out front and mug someone for their ticket.
Did I say mug? I meant "knockout game" them.


Elway doesn't do commentary. Maybe in your own delusional Cleveland fan mentality, he still beats Kosar every night, but in reality, he just has a job helping run the Broncos.
And I'm sorry, I don't mean to imply you are a Cleveland fan, for all I know you might be a KC or Raiders fan. Irregardless, he still whooped

But Peyton didn't win the game today, the defensive line won by stuffing the run game. Peyton did his part by controlling the clock on the offensive side, but Knighton was too good this game, did so well. And Decker was the real MVP of the game. He shredded the Patriots defense like so many Wall Street documents.

Downvoting Is the new upvoting.

Right, left…

Best, most accurate part of the episode? When the "gangster" was shooting at the kids and his girl as they were going over the fence. He was holding his gun sideways, as is so often portrayed as the most gangster, dope ass way to shoot at someone, and missing them by several yards at close range. If you want to hit

I had the same high hopes. Sigh, another disappointing week…

I have 2 porn VHS tapes, not available on dvd or internet….It would be the only reason I buy a VCR.

What about it? Good live.
Anything more, you don't need to know.

I too, am 42, never married, and yes, definitely have seen all the possible responses to my situation. Would I get married? Of course. But I only have been in love with 3 women so far. I don't confuse sex with love, I need a person who has similar likes, not just the physical attraction.
Most common response of

He was still kind of a hack…

See it for free? Eh, too steep a price to pay…

Can't wait for the Smell-O-Vision reissues of Debbie Does Dallas and Deep Inside Hyapatia Lee.