Shaggy is Easy

And keep making all those delightful Madea movies.

Indeed. While I'm sure she is very talented, I just wish there were other, better opportunities for her to explore. I suppose you gotta start somewhere.
And how are you able to upvote your own comments? Man, I sure do love my comment!

Finally, whole new demographics can ignore this show!

More Cosby family Legos, less Simpsons family Legos!

"….now parch the lathe."

No. It really was that bad.

***It's the ciiiircle of life……***

The most delicious, best catered wrap party ever!



Cite your sources, please.

I'll be right there next to you, my friend.


Shell on or off?


Make them "Ride The Lightening"!

She shoots!…..SHE SCORES!

…All I got was this rock…

I know it didn't win a pulitzer.  And yes, it just led to more exploration of better, less recognized authors.  Soome win "prizes", some don't.  But it's all in the enjoyment of reading.  So, hey, thanks for some names of new authors I'm going to check out.

I had a similar thought a while back, but with a "great books of the 20th century", all some type of award winner.  Read some great books, also read Gravity's Rainbow.  Ugh.