Dudes McCool

Oooh! A Sanjaya joke! A spoof of Federline!

Wikipedia lied to me. Evil Lincoln would be proud.

1) I read these movies were originally supposed to be serialized episodes.
2) I read that these movies will now be re-broken up and played on Comedy Central.
Anyone confirm?

"I Don't Get It"
These crazy french fools have always been the ultimate"I don't get it" band. I remember getting my hands on an advance of "Homework," playing it for some of my so called friends, letting them know that this was the most amazing sound ever. 45 minutes and as many blank stares later, we were playing

list of greasy dudes she banged


Hit or Miss
The X-Files always ran hot and cold, especially in the beginning, when it was less "Where is my sister?" backstory and more random monsters. For every sweet episode about poltergeists or the dude that ate pituitary glands, there 3 more chintzy post-goth pre-emo vampires baking blood in loaves of bread and

"Oy! Gary!"

Is retarded. Why infantilize something that shouldn't be brought up in polite conversation anyways? Why is Oprah talking about her *ahem* anyway?