
The Macbook

50 first Siri Queries

I agree, but they're great when they're funny, this doesn't seem funny, just beige, smiley and saccharine..

do Americans really like Lenny Henry? wow

Holy fuck this looks terrible

twas a brazen firstie my dense young friend
good day to you


It's not really a non sequitur, he's just got completely insane vocal exercises

"Not included in the announcement is any news about whether the entire cast (including Will Arnett, currently on Up All Night) will be reassembled, but presumably that's something everybody can work out in time"
uuhhh, did you not see the New Yorker AD family reunion? All of the cast were there (including Will Arnett),

si, Rob Schneider, fly

Exactly. LEGO is the name of the system. 
You are supposed to pluralize the PARTS of the system not the system itself, 'LEGO bricks' for example. 
"Pass me the LEGOs" would result in much confusion during a collaborative build, considering the vast array of different components that are often involved.

Phipps was more a Jeff Daniels/Jeffrey Tambor hybrid in this one

Methmatics - The HomoQueersicle Story
starring Ted Haggard as Reverend Q

Makes no never minds to wh'me

I'm cruel as hell and hideously unattractive to boot

I would suggest you stop playing
and maybe restart you computer
and maybe take a bong hit?

oh, hi Mark

like a jillion gay little copycats

the owls are not what they tweet

"Wendell Pierce's thrusting ass"