
I loved the books but actually prefer the radio series, the narrator does a far better and more captifying job than my internal voice ever could and for some reason having it read to you for some reason seems to echo using the guide itself..
Having said that, the TV show is pretty damn great as well, I think the only

both wit and wisdom

This is Thelma Sue Bigsly. It's about the research I called you about, family tree. Did you talk to your daddy? We may be kin.

of course not

failure? I hardly knew hure


within a game

I'd pay to see Jack gets Waterboarded, a riveting thriller in which PSH is taken to Jordan on a rendition program where he is held, indefinitely, without charge whilst his hooded captors regularly perform endless physical and psychological torture on his bloated face and torso


good work ID

watch Tarkovsky's littlealex, it is precisely 1000x better than the atmosphereless Soderburgh Gillette advert we are supposed to call a remake.

Dawn French is obese
Americans are obese
Americans might like Dawn French

whilst illegally downloading an episode of something else I accidently illegally downloaded an episode of The League and thoroughly enjoyed it.

thanks, new turtle neck
oh and thank you, duffle bag

what Zarnak said, it's seems like those guys pretty much have carte blanche, can't see them fucking up the unfuckable (uppable)

I wish I hadn't committed to Justified, wasn't worth it, first few eps were cool but it turned really annoying. I actually think that the concept would have worked much better as a feature length film or even mini-series..

lol Rad Pitt


I thought Scanner Darkly was more interesting in film format, possibly just because of the photoscoping job but still, Keanu just brings stuff to life

black-and-white, ratings-defying mayhem
sounds amazing and I want it made.
We can call it a gritty reboot if that helps

I want to go to a club where everyone shouts 'fuck you' at the dj