
There is a point though
The Rocky Horror Picture Show is an important tool in helping bisexual teenagers come to terms with themselves.

I know, right? Like, all through the first scene I was like "Who the hell is that? I know who that is" and then suddenly "OH MY GOD IT'S MAY"

The fact that Chase's first victim was played by May is what, ultimately, sold the idea that she'd still be weirdly creepily in love with him.

Besides Ronald Reagan I mean.

Who knew that turning into a nativist and harassing immigrants who don't have the money to defend themselves was a viable Hollywood career move?

I'm pretty sure hebephilia is actually a blood disorder

Who the hell is Carey Mulligan?

He seems to be having some diffickulty gettin the salt . . .

The movie, I mean. Not this article.

Miss Scarlet
When I first saw this, I thought Miss Scarlet was Susan Sarandon.

It's always weird when I read about the Hot New Trend and it turns out to be a trend that came and went like half a decade. "Friends with benefits" isn't really on the radar anymore, and also why does The Walking Dead have everyone saying zombies are "at risk of oversaturation"? Zombieland notwithstanding,

You used the word "logy" in this review. Are you by chance Canadian?

DiCaprio is a good actor as long as he doesn't try to do any accents, and HH Holmes is my favorite serial killer ever, so I'm definitely looking forward to this!

The Jean Teasdale columns are absolutely the most brutal, punishing comedy ever created. Nothing could be crueler or bleaker than A Room of Jean's Own.

I loved Peggy's line about how SCDP losing Lucky Strike is her divine punishment for sleeping with what's-his-name. No matter how hard she tries, she's so Catholic.

I read a biography of Disney a while back and I actually think Johnny Depp would be a good casting choice.

Slippery Pete Campbell
This post got me thinking that old Vinny would be a pretty good Slippery Jim DiGriz if they ever made a Stainless Steel Rat movie.

Boardwalk Empire
A period piece on HBO? I'm looking forward to the abrupt cancellation after the first two seasons.

What a ballsy trailer.

My local ABC station just cut directly from the "LOST" graphic to the local news, without the credits or even a commercial break. I didn't even know about this.