
Arse and Furburger
I finally found the perfect name for my new band.

Does anyone know what the latest news on this is? Did it fall through? Is it still on? And can a lowly community college dropout get a job on set?

Chloe Sevigny is great in basically everything.

Bill takes wild, totally unnecessary risks and puts his family — his wives, his children, his brother — in danger for his own purposes. Whenever he talks about doing something to "protect his family", he's clearly just using that as a cover for trying to control Roman; he just wants to be top dog.

confession: When Creed said he got with Squeaky Fromme, i got jealous

"ace chuckle merchants"? When did you guys get bought out by Variety?

Boom! Roasted.
Hope you brought your appetitos, milady, mituna.

I can't believe that Angela weights eighty-two pounds with that pregnant rack she has going on

Achewood isn't funny at all, and since when did some webcomic become AVClub material?

Bill: Am I a good man, Barb?
Me and my friend (simultaneously): No.

She didn't actually tell them, I don't think. She just smiled and said "thank you".

Don is a really sympathetic character to me. He's so dominated by Bill, who obviously doesn't give a shit about him (or anyone but himself). Every time he shows that he might actually have at least a little bit of a spine, I cheer. Stand up to Bill, you submissive lap dog!

The three wives are the reason I watch this show. I love Barb, I love Nicki, and I love Margene. Too bad Bill is such a douche.

Veronica Mars
I never saw the show, but I hope the movie is shot in San Diego just like the show was. Hooray for San Diego!

I used to have this idea of taking all the Lost episodes once the series was over and recutting them in perfect chronological order.

Fuck, I'm not even reading the other comments
Richard isn't ageless like everyone keeps saying. He is time traveling. Being at Locke's birth, meeting Locke as a child, meeting him in high school, helping the Others overthrow Dharma, these aren't years and years apart for him. They're probably only months.

My lines
I busted up at "But then you'd have to register as a motor vehicle." So out of left field, and yet so logical.

Maybe Max could do a computer search to try to figure out who the killer is.

The detective will turn out to be a lesbian, because every single female character on the show except for Kit is a lesbian. Pam Greer, according to this show, is the only heterosexual woman in the Greater Los Angeles Metropolitan Area.

The only complaints I had about the old A.V. Club were the shitty search and the fact that you couldn't go find all of someone's posts - and now they are fixed, with a bunch of other sweet shit to boot. Thanks a lot, guys! You are pretty neat