
Anne Hathaway got her start in the goddamn Princess Diaries, so this is just going back to the basics, really.

Lied der Mutter Courage
We studied this play in high school, and my German teacher somehow got ahold of the sheet music for one of the songs in the play. That's some fucked up shit, dude. Are the songs in this Central Park version as harsh and dissonant as the original?

Very disappointed

Not Lwaxana!

Picnic at Hanging Rock
I love this movie so much.

So what?, are you a Duggar?

San Diego
I don't ask for Decider San Diego to be created immediately, or even for it to be created soon. I just ask that, when you do ultimately make a Decider San Diego, you make it before you make Decider Los Angeles. Fucking L.A. gets everything!

Are you fucking kidding me??

Wait . . .
She "oozes spunk"? I don't remember THAT!

Whenever I read his name, I always read it as the "th" in "think", not in "Thomas". STUPID THOM

Those scenes gave me a deep emotional bond with Kate Winslet if you know what I mean

John McCain
Even on a comic book cover, his smile is creepy.

The Visit
I don't know if they ever made a movie out of it, but there's a beautiful play by Friedrich Durrenmatt called The Visit that would have fit well in here. Basically, a young woman is impregnated by her boyfriend and is ostracized from the town after a paternity case in which the boyfriend is acquitted (he

Hard Candy would have been a whole lot better if it could figure out which character we're supposed to identify with, and if it had actual dialogue instead of an endless stream of monologues. As it was, it was just bad.

Yeah, when I saw him at the book signing he looked more like Don Knotts than Farley Granger. But he still had that killer jawline!

Future Book Club review
I recommend Farley Granger's "Include Me Out". It's not as, uh, juicy as this one, but it has some good moments, like when James Lipton takes him to a seedy sex show in Paris, or when Granger allegedly loses both his virginities within an hour of each other. And that time that Farley Granger

I need a hug!

FUCK I can't believe someone beat me to that joke already. Damn this AV Club and its readers! Damn them straight to hell!

A different ending
You know what would have been awesome? The Cuban Missile Crisis on the show goes the other way, nuclear war destroys civilization, and season three is the Sterling-Cooper family trying to survive life in a post-apocalyptic nightmare.

Lesbian vampires
How could your post cover lesbian vampires without even mentioning Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter, the most important lesbian vampire movie ever made? I'm shocked. Shocked!