
Agreed. If they make him sleep with her or something I will be so pissed.

Silly Little Show-Biz Book Club
Speaking of the Silly Little Show-Biz Book Club, I would be interested in seeing your take on Farley Granger's "Include Me Out". Whatever you think of the book as a whole, the scene about James Lipton in France is worth the price of the book.

Holly? More like HOTly am i right?

I don't want to watch the video. Did she bang Greg or not?

With swastikas made out of commas.

To be honest
I don't think it's really fair to call The Simpsons a "cult" show.

I just learned that people who are residents of U.S. territories can't vote in presidential elections. How fucked up is that?

I'm going to kill an East German intelligence officer no matter HOW long it takes.

I don't remember what time it used to air. That was months ago. I can't even remember the broadcast schedule of the TV show I work on. Calm down, man.


so uh
Does anyone know when the episode is going to be posted on NBC.com? I missed the first fifteen minutes or so because I thought it was going to air at ten instead of nine. :(

It took me a minute to realize you weren't talking about Buckaroo Banzai.

He changed it because "Einstein" is German for "one stone" and he didn't want people to think he only had one nut.

You have succeeded in what I have been all too unable to do: forgetting Julie Taymor's "Titus". I haven't read or seen Titus Andronicus, but Titus was pretty goddamned awful.

What about in Vertigo, where Kim Novak was played at first by Madeleine Elster, but then she died and they had to replace her with Judy Barton? Talk about a jarring recasting there! She didn't even have the same hair color.

Wasn't DS9 another war space show? I'm so sick of science fiction shows that are all about some space battle in the future. If they can make a sci-fi show that isn't about another fucking war between two fictional space factions that I don't give a shit about, maybe I'd watch more sci-fi TV.

Nathan Rabin, you most certainly do NOT remember "the golden age of vaudeville" and you should stop spreading lies about your age.

Is Rivers Cuomo's mustache serious or "ironic"? 'Cause either way it needs to go.

Is Rivers Cuomo's mustache serious or "ironic"? 'Cause either way it needs to go.

Jeremy Bentham
Earlier I was thinking that Sayid killed Locke on Ben's orders, but now I'm not so sure. I don't know why Ben would have want Locke, as the new leader of the Others, dead. The scene with Sayid and Hurley suggests to me the possibility that Sayid is rebelling against Ben and trying to bring Hurley to