
Yeah… I think it would have been better as 'with whom we've all had sex." However, a preposition, I don't think is always wrong to end a sentence with.

In Quantum Mechanics, we call it a 'ket'! (in Dirac Notation…)

You seem to be a bit confused on some fact there. Digital Television broadcast in VHF and UHF just like analog television. However, there are more DTV channels in the UHF band than the VHF one. A good thing about UHF is that it is better at penetrating buildings, so while having your antenna high is definitely

Man to Ant seems like it would be around 10^-2 transform. Patterns on his costume seem in the centimeter to millimeter range. Best case you end up with shrunk patterns being on the order of 10^-5. You'd need another order of magnitude before getting into the wavelength of visible light. 10 x wavelength might have