It's hard not to root for her.
It's hard not to root for her.
I want to go to there.
It seems like such a no-brainer that they could make money off of these properties some way. Of course, Disney is clearly the master of making money so who am I to judge. But really, there's no way it could have been monetized?
Ditto. Adam's style was denser and darker, and there was something just more satiating about them as novels. Or maybe I'm just getting older. I've got no pressing urge to reread THHGTG, but just reading the title of the article makes me want to reread Dirk Gently.
How you like that applesauce?
Boy's gotta eat.
Is the redhead daughter as hot as I knew she would be? And is she old enough that I'm allowed to say that now? I watched a couple episodes at the beginning for Fillion, but it really was a bad show. Maybe someone could just post some animated GIFs of her being hot?
Finally, someone throwing Aziz Ansari into a fiery pit and kicking him in the face when he tries to climb out.
No, he tells your mother as he gives it to her fast and sloppy.
I like Stephen Colbert as a comedian, and making fun of Bush to his face was epic on a level that will probably never be topped. But I've never been able to watch his show, not even 5 minutes of it. I just don't understand the appeal.
Yup, immortal. He's in World War II in that clip at the top of the page, in a flashback, and he was in the Civil War too.
It's this big and shaped like a heart!
Clicked just to see what the article picture would be, was not disappointed.
"Abel asks Ronan’s personality to go away, so he can make out with her body and its alien controller."
Yes, more idolizing cops. America doesn't have enough of that.
Has Wolverine already reached Superman level, where he's only interesting if you take his powers away?
The Grammar Police Say
"feral stray cats" is redundant.
*Gets on broomstick, flies away on broomstick*
Vabynda Dentatta?
We hate Natalie Portman now? She's every kind of rad and I don't think she's ever had a bad performance.
That would totally defeat the point! You just don't get it, man!