
I don't even *own* ears.


Row house, row house!

What a toothless and lame cold open.

The cure sounds worse than the disease

Who will live longer, mick or keith?
Bob weir or phil lesh?
Gilmour or waters?

And more bullet-riddled than its namesake!

Two Wong Foos don't make a Right - julie newmarr

Fit in Yoda's cave, Hodor cannot.


If they were after secrecy, they didn't need to torch the place, incinerate the farmers, and leave their smoldering corpses out in the open.

At the beginning of Star Wars, why did the Storm Troopers pretend to be Sand People ("These tracks are side by side. Sandpeople always ride single file to hide their numbers")? Who exactly were they trying to fool? If they wanted secrecy, why were they openly walking around doing stop-and-frisks in the town?

Was that the original intent of the franchise? I thought they only came up with that idea when making III.

I guess they might have future witchy schemes in mind, but if the whole mask plan only required a small portion of the stone, why didn't they just chip some of it off and smuggle it to the U.S. rather than steal the whole thing?

one more day to halloween
one more day to halloween
Silver Shamrock

And why are they still working on the electric stonehenge masks on the afternoon of Halloween? Once the plan happens, won't they have no more use for the masks? I think people will figure out that Silver Shamrock is bad news - but there they are, still plugging away at making the masks and chipping away at Stonehenge

What a weird movie. The plot is unbelievably ridiculous. The title doesn't make sense in multiple ways: It's not a sequel to I and II, it's not about a "season," and witchcraft is mentioned once - barely.

Nice little article.

You are right, they played together a bunch. There will probably be a clip from Festival Express in this.

"that family matriarch Mama June had rebounded from her recent
split with Honey Boo Boo’s father, Sugar Bear, by dating Mark McDaniel—a man who more than makes up for his lack of a nickname with his equally cringe-inducing criminal past. Specifically, McDaniel just completed 10 years in prison for “forcing oral sex”