
If this is anyone but Mick Taylor, you're stealing my bit!

There is actually a non-zero chance that Gimme Shelter will appear in this doc in this exact scenario. Well done.

It's going to be tough to insert 'Gimme Shelter' and a lot of Robbie Robertson into a Dead documentary, but I bet Marty can do it.

She doesn't have toe-thumbs!

Was he also in number 2?


Booby trap

Facts schmacts

Is he going to become like Billy Corgan and refuse to play unless the bassist is female?

Can someone explain the cue card in the picture. Shouldn't it be "Today" instead of "Today's?"

You mean videotaping things that are happening at a televised event and in front of 80,000 live people ISN'T a war crime?

Do surgeons often wear NFL paraphernalia right before surgery?

Shanahan's team stagnated to .500 over his last 3 seasons in Denver. The Pats are .500 over FOUR GAMES this year. Isn't it premature to say that the same thing is happening? Isn't this article about rushing to make conclusions?


Classic Ando


Ronnie the Rat?

Show Dick some respect!

Yeah, yeah, I get it, fuck off Da Fino. And stay away from my special - from my fucking lady friend, man!