
This weekend was Hulu fun times, catching up on the weird exclusives hulu seems to get.

I don't know about that. I doubt the Levin stuff would have kept my attention up until his wedding without the early Anna and Vronsky scenes.

I don't know about that. I doubt the Levin stuff would have kept my attention up until his wedding without the early Anna and Vronsky scenes.

Even Positive Rage is really good, but it is a record that you have to approach as a fan of the band.

Even Positive Rage is really good, but it is a record that you have to approach as a fan of the band.

I mean, I think the book explained that really well, and you don't turn into a zombie for a while, something like 8 hours after death, but it requires a lethal concentration of zombie virus, which depending on where you're bitten could be days or weeks until you succumb.  But as it seems like you haven't read it, so I

I mean, I think the book explained that really well, and you don't turn into a zombie for a while, something like 8 hours after death, but it requires a lethal concentration of zombie virus, which depending on where you're bitten could be days or weeks until you succumb.  But as it seems like you haven't read it, so I

they seem to be focusing on the fact that zombies are like a virus personified, which is probably the coolest aspect that the book conveyed to me about zombies.

they seem to be focusing on the fact that zombies are like a virus personified, which is probably the coolest aspect that the book conveyed to me about zombies.

You can see Yonkers!  the scene with the buses that cuts to a shot of the bridge.

You can see Yonkers!  the scene with the buses that cuts to a shot of the bridge.

 @avclub-5d213468da8857324393c707fb3f6f67:disqus I think the issue with conceptualizing the lightsabers is that in canon, the blades are absolutely weightless, so they can be used differently than swords, and it's also what makes them so difficult to use than non force users.

 @avclub-5d213468da8857324393c707fb3f6f67:disqus I think the issue with conceptualizing the lightsabers is that in canon, the blades are absolutely weightless, so they can be used differently than swords, and it's also what makes them so difficult to use than non force users.

Haha, perhaps I will be there? I'll be in the city, so the sky's really the limit. If by 'Sky' you mean 'chance of me seeing Todd VanDerWerff and asking him if he'll talk about Glee as a straight guy.'

Haha, perhaps I will be there? I'll be in the city, so the sky's really the limit. If by 'Sky' you mean 'chance of me seeing Todd VanDerWerff and asking him if he'll talk about Glee as a straight guy.'

wait, he's probably friends with enough people (smigel, carlock, rock) who can show up and do crazy stuff so that it'll at least be watchable. plus they can probably get him to do a cool short film.

wait, he's probably friends with enough people (smigel, carlock, rock) who can show up and do crazy stuff so that it'll at least be watchable. plus they can probably get him to do a cool short film.

Will louis want to do it though? by all accounts, the episodes where the hosts put in lots of effort usually involves the host working 'SNL hours' so staying at 30 rock working until 4 am or something a couple days of the week. Louis has kids that he cares about more than anything else in the world.

Will louis want to do it though? by all accounts, the episodes where the hosts put in lots of effort usually involves the host working 'SNL hours' so staying at 30 rock working until 4 am or something a couple days of the week. Louis has kids that he cares about more than anything else in the world.

saw The Master, which is as beautiful as it is frustrating in it's narrative. And it's so damn beautiful, the last movie I saw that was this pretty was Melancholia and it's kind of similar in that I understand it was awesome but I just don't want to see it again.