
@avclub-7aee1b75b527e215f31e20a5c4e7a768:disqus I've thought of something similar with 30 Rock, except my comparison has always been with the Dick Van Dyke show, since there are the more obvious comparisons between Liz Lemon and Rob Petrie and Tina Fey and Carl Reiner, plus I've been trying to define 30 Rock's style

Exactly, I was really ready to be disappointed by the hype, but the work on those dragons was simply amazing, and the set design is this fantastic mix of Sigur Ros and Heavy Metal covers. Plus, it's just another in a long line of childrens movies thats almost brought me to tears.

It's right here, in Easter Parade, one of the better songs from the movie.

SInce I finally had access to HBO I caught up on the latest season of Eastbound and Down, which I think is really funny, but I don't really laugh at it at all.

For a more in depth look at interaction with muppets, watch being elmo, it's this fantastic documentary about the man that plays elmo and seeing how quickly people completely ignore the muppeteer and just interact with elmo. Plus there are some absolutely devestating scenes.

My biggest disappointment with the El Bulli doc was the jump towards the end from the dishes you followed to their completed forms that were obviously far and away much more refined. I couldn't tell if it was to protect recipes and techniques or just that they weren't given full access in the restaurant after a

Plus all of those gorgeous wooden stadiums, I actually watched I think all of the original Angels in the Outfield for all of the shots of the jewel box stadiums they played in.

Baseball is just so comforting, I'm trying to get more into baseball now that the Nationals might be competitive and it makes it so easy to get swept up in all of the majesty and nostalgia.

That's pretty much the exact same thing that happened to me. Toy Story 3 just opened the floodgates.

The 'mansion' looks like a Hollywood Hills high end condo complex that wanted the advertisement and cache of being the 'American Idol Mansion'. I know that the Real World houses have done the same thing, taking over new mansions or buildings that had just undergone restoration to up the pricetag when they sell it.

They killed Joshua with that bait and switch. I don't usually watch the results show but are they usually that bad? You could see his two facial expressions, happy smile and forlorn smile.

That's great news!

Thank you for clearing this up.

The lack of true difference between the tributes of district 12 and the more central districts kind of sunk the games for me.

The score just continues being amazing. The Jazz touches are new and fit perfectly, along with their knack for when to cut out music altogether.

It seems like it's a genetic lottery thing a la jedis but with a racial component?

Just like the Sky Bison explanation I think it's going to be a "there were others not part of the temples that came out of the woodwork once there was a concentrated effort to find them."