
Can we get more love for Rene/Wild Dog? He's one of the more grounded, down to Earth characters on the series. Tonight he basically said "I'm a dick, but I'm a dick who makes sense".

Wait who gets nekkid on Homeland? I might need to watch that show more…

Me and some friends have the theory that the entire thing inside the hospital wasn't to try and kill him there, but instead intending to force him outside. Less innocents around that way, since the lsat thing Frank would want to do is accidently kill an innocent in crossfire. Plus, he would never miss that many

well don't forget Clancy Brown was already on The Flash as a totally different character

Gryzzl, Frazzyl, Bryttl, Zptr, Hfngl? come on now your jûst naming members of the Wu-Tang Clan

Did anyone else think the Captain America commercial near the end was part of the episode at first?

Ok…the anti-vigilante leader of the SWAT team…who played him? I've seen him in a bunch of stuff and can't remember his name. I'd like to see him come back in some capacity

Gus has used that quite a few times. It seems like its his favorite pickup line

No appearance of Sugar?  I'm kinda disappointed at that.  All the people Mike has helped over the series and only Barry is at the funeral? 

I prefer to think of the mystery shieldmaiden as a time traveler from the future…watching events as they unfold.  She temporarily travels back to her own time when the fighting starts, so she doesn't get hurt/killed