The Living Tribunal

I was just going to post the same thing.  I've seen most of MoH, and Cigarette Burns is the only episode that actually got under my skin.  Granted, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but it certainly isn't limp, and it makes all the other MoH episodes look like the cheap pieces of crap that they are.

I don't know about Coldplay, but Lada Gaga absolutely.  How her utterly generic synth pop caught on, I'll never figure out.  Might have something to do with them newfangled youtube videos the kids seem to like.

I thought it was Morgan Freeman as Nelson Mandela at the end of Seven.

Yeah, I crushed on her in Wild Hearts Can't be Broken as a kid, then all over again when I saw Denver.

MC Hammer, eminent computer scientist.  Who knew?

I don't know anything about these guys except that Love Spreads is quite possibly the greatest song to come out of the 90's.  That is all.

This is correct, and weird because the producers of the remake have been saying for years that they would never dream of using CGI and violating Law Number 2.  As for Law Number 1, it's not an inherent problem that a woman is playing the Kurt Russell role.  It's a problem because obviously she was chosen for being a

Yeah, I heard that they tried doing it with stop-motion and it looked like crap so they left all the stop-motion stuff out.  That's why the whole climax scene is much shorter than it could have been, with only a brief glimpse of the final form of the monster.

Hell, yes.  The love for Dalton seems to be growing all the time, rightfully so.  Maybe it's just because he was the first "reboot Bond" that a lot of us Gen-Yers experienced, I dunno.  He was a refreshingly serious Bond, yet he had a spark that ice cold robot Daniel Craig lacks.  Although License to Kill is

Clinic?  Destroyer?  Should I have heard of these bands?  Maybe I'm in the wrong forum.

Yeah, we harbored a distrust of Mike after our beloved Joel left, but with the aid of the internet and being able to see any show from any era, it's pretty clear that the Mike era was a lot more consistent.  All the classics except Manos and Mitchell come from Mike, and I mostly agree with your top 10 that doesn't

This is where the fish lives.

Marry, f***, kill.  Princess Leia, Queen Amidala, Yoda.  Go:

Same here, but even back then as little kids, we knew there was no way that all that cool stuff would be invented by 2015.  Maybe 2115 if our great-grandkids are lucky.

Madonna has more musical talent in her little finger than all of Lada Gaga's songwriting and producing staff put together.  Future-Lady Gaga is more like Paula Abdul or Carnie Wilson.

is supposedly one of his worst ones, yet it's the only thing I've ever read by him and I thought it was absolutely hilarious; unlike anything else I've ever read.

Citizen Kane
Isn't that the ultimate example of a movie that nobody actually likes but that everyone puts on a pedestal and "recommends" to everyone else?