The Living Tribunal

Connelly was the most beautiful woman in the world circa Rocketeer and still gives just about anyone a run for their money.  Oh yeah, she can actually act too.  Sigh. That is all.

Connelly was the most beautiful woman in the world circa Rocketeer and still gives just about anyone a run for their money.  Oh yeah, she can actually act too.  Sigh. That is all.

What's worse?  The tone of the drums or just the fact that they are so damned loud in the mix?  I think it's the latter, and the problem is not confined to St. Anger.  I imagine it's mainly due to Lars' hubris and (judging by Some Kind of Monster) the excessive control he has over mixing/production.

FGF was what sprang to mind when I heard about the Billion Dollar Movie too.  Did Rabin really give it a secret success rating?  At any rate, the critics and hipsters can intellectualize about this stuff all they want, all ll I know is that FGF was completely insane and (mostly) hilarious.  If the Billion Dollar movie

Yes I think so.  It seems to me that back in the day, we called the exact same thing "electronica" or "techno" and it was actually played on rock radio for a brief period in approximately 1996-1998. Yes kids, it actually was played right there alongside Smashing Pumpkins and Stone Temple Pilots.

I would watch the fuck out of that.

Links or GTFO

Does anybody make dreamy space rock masterpieces like Siamese Dream anymore?  My impulse is to say yes, there's lots of stuff that good still being made but it doesn't seem that way because all of us who love SD were the exact right impressionable age when we discovered it and we're too old now to be affected like

Yep, mine too.  That intro was my mind's soundtrack when I daydreamed in class senior year in high school.

If it hasn't been mentioned, be sure not to miss "Drown" on the soundtrack for the movie Singles.

Here's some more love for the Zero single.  Awesome album is the only way to describe it.  Only overlooked because it came in the wake of the massive and mostly good Mellon Collie.  Pennies is my favorite cut but yes, Pistachio Medley is jaw-dropping the way he says "fuck you, I'm so good I'm just going to dispose of

Wow, remember the good old days when they played rock and/or roll at school dances?  Now, you'd be lucky to get the latest Nickelback but more likely you'd have to make due with Lil Wayne and Soulja Boy.


So we have all of that except bad guys, good guys, and the benefits to our economy.  Other than that, it's just like the good old days!

Ahhh, WWII: the only good war with extensive motion picture coverage.  Why can't we have a cool war like that again, with actual bad guys and good guys and the building of factories to make weapons and the military industrial complex and shit like that.  Sigh.

RIP.  Loved him in Escape from New York.

Agreed.  The Black Hole is a truly bizarre mashup of brilliant art design, disturbing sci-fi horror elements, a shitty plot, and Disneyesque stock characters.  It's like Disney execs did a few lines and then said "OK, Star Wars and 2001 A Space Odyssey are the two best sci fi movies we've seen.  Let's combine those

I know probably nobody agrees with me, but my main problem was the use of the warehouse.  The endless warehouse with millions of identical boxes as a kind of 20th century Well of the Souls was such a perfect, brilliant ending to Raiders.  Maybe I love Raiders so much that I hold every scene to be sacred, but it seemed

I always thought the titular NARCs were supposed to be the bad guys, seeing as how you walk around indiscriminately blowing everyone and everything up.

Wrong.  Classic rock is a (loosely defined) style, not a time period.