
wait.  Anne Sexton fucked kids?  holy shit.  I agree with the comment though.  It's weird.  I never new all this stuff about Polanski by the time I first saw and liked one of his films.  I wonder how many films/art would be discarded if everyone spent too much time learning personal things about celebrities.  I'm not

wait.  Anne Sexton fucked kids?  holy shit.  I agree with the comment though.  It's weird.  I never new all this stuff about Polanski by the time I first saw and liked one of his films.  I wonder how many films/art would be discarded if everyone spent too much time learning personal things about celebrities.  I'm not

I liked and still like it.  The only trouble I have with the ending is how great a shot they are when they kill Sheppard.  Seems convinient.

I liked and still like it.  The only trouble I have with the ending is how great a shot they are when they kill Sheppard.  Seems convinient.

I loved the 9th Gate.  I think it's the only movie I know of that qualifies as a "Satanic" Hero's Journey.

I loved the 9th Gate.  I think it's the only movie I know of that qualifies as a "Satanic" Hero's Journey.

You're right.  Was totally being glib.  In part, to tease out the longer response you gave, which I appreciate.  Point taken.  My main thing was, homophobia was not the first thing to come to mind in that moment in the film for me, primarily because the class signification of the costuming and the notion of a very

Grow Bitch Tits.

And even if taken metaphorically, it's not much better.  Am i right?

Book God when fine thanks

Would you also say the movie is hateful of the mentally ill?  Jack.  I mean to depict someone with clear depression as the ultimate source of horror is really irresponsible.

Not speaking to the book.  I don't think it's so easy to say the film pic is homophobic.  Because really, the homosexuality isn't the source of horror.  What about class implications?

Nope.  Salad tossing.

the Ninth Gate is not ambiguous.


Spaghetti bathtub kid is Gummo, right?  I just have to be sure.  And if so, fucking awesome.

Never saw EoE.  But the end of the series really pissed me off.  Not because it got weird, but because of the signification.  Despite all the interesting secrets, conspiracies and ambiguous religious signification, the last episode reduced Rei to a female symbol of a nihilistic void, space vagina and all.  And the

It represents the inner-most desire of whoever is looking at it at that moment.

Think is . . . he totally did talk about Fight Club and in a weird way, he did it for love.

Hand them their Ass.
There's no way a remake could be as unnerving as he original. Even so, it might be a great opportunity to seduce a larger American audience into a mind fuck. Denzel would pull people in that are totally unprepared for Oldboy.