Conrad Bain

Ugh, another one I had to play in a band for money. What I hate about that song the most is, it opens with steel drums which are mainly a Jamaican/Caribbean thing. The bassline is kind of a bastardized Brazilian samba, and the lyrics talk about a "Mexican cutie." THESE CULTURES HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH EACH OTHER! Its

Ugh, another one I had to play in a band for money. What I hate about that song the most is, it opens with steel drums which are mainly a Jamaican/Caribbean thing. The bassline is kind of a bastardized Brazilian samba, and the lyrics talk about a "Mexican cutie." THESE CULTURES HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH EACH OTHER! Its

I was a store manager for CD store (remember those?) from '98-'01, when most of this dreck we are discussing was popular. Every week, we had conference call with all the store managers in the region. One time, the district manager asked us what the big new releases for the week were and someone said "Hanson has a new

I was a store manager for CD store (remember those?) from '98-'01, when most of this dreck we are discussing was popular. Every week, we had conference call with all the store managers in the region. One time, the district manager asked us what the big new releases for the week were and someone said "Hanson has a new

I was setting up for a gig in a bar a couple of years ago when "All Summer Long" came on the jukebox. A group of twenty-somethings in college sweatshirts started dancing (poorly) and singing the lyrics at the top of their lungs. It is the "Mustang Sally" of the 21st Century.

I was setting up for a gig in a bar a couple of years ago when "All Summer Long" came on the jukebox. A group of twenty-somethings in college sweatshirts started dancing (poorly) and singing the lyrics at the top of their lungs. It is the "Mustang Sally" of the 21st Century.

You are forgetting the Star Wars Holiday Special where Art Carney sells Chewbacca's Dad a VR visor where he views Diahann Carol doing things she's not proud of.

You are forgetting the Star Wars Holiday Special where Art Carney sells Chewbacca's Dad a VR visor where he views Diahann Carol doing things she's not proud of.

“What is Living Colour guitarist Vernon Reid up to?”

Don't they?

Don't they?

The photo on the right says "cutie." The cartoon says "Aging Metalhead."

The photo on the right says "cutie." The cartoon says "Aging Metalhead."

Still waiting for Don Cheadle's Miles Davis movie. It is supposedly about one day in his life in the late 70s.

Still waiting for Don Cheadle's Miles Davis movie. It is supposedly about one day in his life in the late 70s.

Because dudes played acoustic guitars with MIDI hookups into synthesizers all the time during the Renaissance.

Because dudes played acoustic guitars with MIDI hookups into synthesizers all the time during the Renaissance.

I want to throw in "That Thing You Do." On its own its an enjoyable if forgettable little story about a one-hit-wonder rock band from the 60s. The extra scenes (which is how it was shown on digital cable) dug deeper and fleshed out the characters giving the movie some depth. I especially liked the scenes of the

I want to throw in "That Thing You Do." On its own its an enjoyable if forgettable little story about a one-hit-wonder rock band from the 60s. The extra scenes (which is how it was shown on digital cable) dug deeper and fleshed out the characters giving the movie some depth. I especially liked the scenes of the