Dan: The Extremely Popular Gay Student.
Dan: The Extremely Popular Gay Student.
Craig Wedren from Shudder to Think did all the sound-alike music for the DVD's. He also did the music for Reno 911 and Stella. He is Thomas Lennon's brother-in-law and has known The State people since college (and I think he went to high school with Wain?).
On a somewhat related note. Kevin Eubanks is actually a great musician. He played with Art Blakey in his early 20s and did some cool stuff with Dave Holland (with Tonight Show drummer Marvin "Smitty"Smith).
Sorry, VERY funny!
Very funny.
Living Colour and Bad Brains toured together in '93.
I watched a lot of stand up comedy when I was a kid in the 80s and early 90s. Leno was a decent comic back then. Obviously someone who studied all the great comics of the 50s and 60s who learned the mechanics and timing of joke telling.
I say they fill the time slots with reruns of Knight Rider, the A-Team, Riptide and Night Court/The John Larroquet Show.
Shows in that time-slot have always been kind of sketchy. Bob Costas had it back in the 80s, then Greg Kinnear, then a bunch of fill-ins until TRL took over. None of them were really great, or necessary.
I just watch L&O and SVU for the hot chicks.
"Conan's show isn't and wasn't funny."
I started tuning back in recently for The Roots. I have noticed that the show improved SOME. I thought some of the Real Housewives stuff was pretty funny. There is definitely a 90s Conan/80s Letterman vibe they are trying to capture.
Before all the shifting that took place last year, I assumed most people watched Conan because all my friends grew up/went to college during the Late Night with Conan O'Brien years (Not to mention Simpsons and early 90s SNL) and thats who we watched.
Tell you what, why don't you come out here and experience the 2 weeks we've had of temps not getting above 12 degrees with windchills of 30 below at night and we'll see who the real pansies are.
The Roots have been touring since about '92. I'm guessing as they approach 40, they probably have families and are looking for some stability. Questlove said taping a show for 5 hours a week beats months on the road.
As an avid Conan fan from the Late Night years, I have no recollection of repeated Pavarotti jokes.
He was still pretty much playing free jazz solos in Living Colour, but yeah, Decoding Society was a great underrated group.
My wife and I entered the reception to "The Final Countdown" but because that's what Gob Bluth has playing during his magic…I mean illusions.
I love the firemen…
I play ball with them, I bake for them…
And the name on his diploma was Boner Stabone.