Anyone see the IMDB page for Avatar?…
Anyone see the IMDB page for Avatar?…
All I know is the depressed 300 lb stinky guy at work has been anxiously awaiting this movie for months. Now he and I have discussed Star Wars and Star Trek and other sci-fi geek stuff from time to time, but from his initial description to the trailer I've seen, I'm just not impressed.
I liked the new Kong.
That music was like a longer, drawn out version of the Debbie Downer sad trumpet sound.
As a fan of early rock and R&B, I enjoyed the R&RHOF for the first decade or so. But now it seems like "Did you release a record on a major label? You're in!
I'm not even a sports fan…
but I thought this article was going to be about Brett Favre and Roberto Clemente.
About 15 years too late.
" There hasn't been anything like her since"
What about Tori Amos?
Maybe they could have gotten 10 John Lord lookalikes.
I prefer "A Child's Christmas in Wales" as read by Danny Thomas.
It just dawned on me that the the Dunphey's are set up like the Connor's on Roseanne: Older daughter is boys/clothes/makeup. Middle daughter is brainy (will she become a black clothes outsider?) and youngest son is kind of a screw-up.
@Walter and/or Perry:
Yeah, The Shining was the first thing I thought of when I saw the bear suit.
You guys are forgetting his explanation of why he doesn't like strip clubs segueing into "Hello Beautiful!"
Philip Michael Thomas
I know him from the secret Black People Meetings…
Wait, Phillip Michael Thomas didn't win for Miami Vice, Death Drug, That horrible pop song he recorded and TUBBS: A One Man Show!?
For the most part I liked that movie. Whenever my musician friends and I encounter twenty-something Stevie Ray Vaughnnabe's with their Strats, they are christened Blues Hammer.
Most of that movie is very funny.
@RecoveringPitchforkAddict: Sums up how I feel about it. (Also best user name ever).
Also, Kevin Love is one of the best passers in the NBA and not a douche.