Mr. Stimson

Atta Big Boi

If he did, he probably would've mentioned it to us.

Really now, Alan Rickman. COME ON!

Comprehension is a tricky bitch!

Newswires should just be replaced transcripts of AVC staff interactions. Edited by Sean, of course.

Somebody must've said it, but MTV did the Iggy.

If I remember, O'Neal was pressured into writing that by unregistered posters when they could still be unregistered4atime

What a shame. They could have been bigger than the Beatles


Hey, a fellow Rhode Islander. Next stop AV Club Providence.

Hey there, its homeCITY!

Are you the boys I caught whhhakin' off behhind my tool shed?

Oscar loves trash. He probably has plenty of money and is just living the way he wants.

You make excellent points, mcc. It is a shame that it is on an internet message board.

Hey a text link! Get a load of this dork!

Well I read somewhere that they work something like 3 hrs a week so $8 million is pretty good

That is a Season 8 holdover and you damn well know it!

Animated shows doing a drug trip is always worthwhile. Really, name a cartoon trip that was not fun to watch.

Hey the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame only does self-parody, and lets keep it that way!