
One of the few books in game I read was the one on sexuality in Thedas which provides neat context on why the culture is LGB friendly.

2.4 (released a couple months ago) added the Rogue class and Ninja Job.

This should be a busy weekend. Ill be playing more Final Fantasy XIV. If you are looking for a fun MMORPG this is a great one to pick up right now. The golden saucer and Triple Triad are being added within the month. And the first expansion should be out in about 3-5 months or so (join Goblin).

With a lot of the decisions of the Paragon I am not really sure that they really are all that good in the long run. There is a lot of potential for those decisions to backfire causing the deaths of untold millions (though the consequences shown in game are feeble for the most part).

My favorite (re: grossest) monstrous "paragon" decision in gaming has to be the party scene in Dishonored. Holy shit closing to force someone into sex slavery seems more cruel than just chilling them quickly.

I wrote about the Moridin decision in the earlier article about Mass Effect. But I think that the reward for shooting Moridin is basically the best and (best acted) narrative payoff in the entire series. It's one of the most powerful moments I've ever experienced in a video game. And it's even better because there

I totally agree. Sanderson's oeuvre is neat. And while that may be damning him with faint praise, there are worst things to be than thoroughly entertaining.

This is the type of book that was made to be listened to. I'm enjoying it so far.

Imagine a world in which Bioware hit those highs as a matter of course…

Honestly, that line is on my very short list of line deliveries from video games that just nail it.

My favorite renegade choice (and also the most painful) is the choice to kill Moridin to prevent him from curing the Xenophage (especially if Wrex is dead). Either choice has a lot to recommend it. One one hand in the long term, the Krogan represent a potent potential threat. And in the short term, this allows you to

My slate hot take: I like slate, especially it's podcasts.

They definitely can use all their abilities (and they do). Honestly as an assassin, I don't really mind the limitation. Most of the skills cost stamina and have a short cool down, so it would makes sense to specialize anyway as some of the skills are basically duplicative.

At the level cap the game changes such that you still get that experience you are talking about. The upper tier encounters are very punishing where a single mistake by a single player can wipe everyone. So when you find someone who gets it friend requests and linkshell invites get extended.

That's more or less what I've done. Although if you are looking to add another trick, get that death blow ability it is incredibly strong.

Definitely my Rogue's best girl. Too bad it means there is no room for Varric.

The game play is also only generally fun when you stick to more or a particular role than as an overpowered jack of all trades.

Funny enough. There was a whole lot of narrative urgency with a meteor that was destined to destroy the world while you breed chocobos.

Tank is an interesting roll in that game. I think you could use Jaheria or Korgan. Another option is just using Haer Dalis. He doesn't have a lot of hit points, but when protected against magic, he can use stone skin, mirror images, defensive spin, improved invisibility, blur and tensers transformation. Those

The cool thing though is that there are so many strategies you can employ. Like with Kangaxx, I've killed him before by just turning into the Slayer.