
That description of State Of Affairs is hilarious. It's like they actually made a shitty "taut political thriller" based on old Simpsons parodies.

Billy Eichner probably yelled at everyone until they made the episode happen sooner to coincide with the ads

Yeah I don't really get how he appears remotely funny to anyone. Every time he appears on any show, he just yells a lot and adds no real jokes.

The Verizon commercials are among your favorite shows?

horsecrap no-name band slags on a badass rock tune.

woooooow. over a TSHIRT? He has to submit to a fucking PSYCHIATRIC EXAM.

I wanna live with a Suicide Girl…
I could be happy…the rest of my life…
With a Suicide Girl

A murderer who got away with killing a teenager counts as a celebrity now?

they need to stop trying to make Bing happen. it's not going to happen.

yeah no. fuck the superbowl and its cult-like grip on people.

yeah her character is not why I tune in to that show for. come to think of it, I slowly fell out of favor for most of the characters with the exception of Tom, somehow.


I watched this show for 5-10 minutes last night to see how it stacked up - it was the most boring, bland, typical network TV wankery I've seen yet. how can you afford to be boring when you live in a universe that has the Hulk?

didn't read the review because I don't want to be spoiled of jokes (glad I did that because apparently they were being spoiled) but I had a sneaking suspicion AV Club would shit on this movie, and I am not surprised that it is.

The first decent Superman movie in years, and AV Club's hipster cred is constantly being threatened, hence the constant fucking bashing of the movie. No Grown Ups 2? No Movie 43? No Getaway? I really think instead of jacking off, AV Club writers get their immense jollies from bashing a pretty good flick instead of

I've loved Burial since the Archangel single. All his stuff is so damn chill

I loved the Edward James Olmos reference for the burger of the day to go with the Stand And Deliver parody.

it would probably a sight better written than her guest spot on The Simpsons with Fred Armisen. That episode, as with most new Simpsons stuff, was painful to watch. Abysmal. I'm so happy Bob's Burgers fills a modern Simspsons-esque niche that The Simpsons itself can't fill.

"Standing in line all day for Scorpions tickets wasn’t too far removed from standing in line all day for a loaf of bread." - wat.

Homestarrunner was basically a Muppet Show for the 21st century. So great.