
I've been a fan for years, and it's their consistency that really makes them a "comfort food" band for me. A couple of their albums (Whip it On EP, Chain Gang of Love) have particular sounds, but then they settled into this satisfied, reverb-y groove which I am totally ok with. I just listened to Observator while

I've been a fan for years, and it's their consistency that really makes them a "comfort food" band for me. A couple of their albums (Whip it On EP, Chain Gang of Love) have particular sounds, but then they settled into this satisfied, reverb-y groove which I am totally ok with. I just listened to Observator while

truth. it was just a decidedly bad producer-y moment when she won with yet another round of down home Saigon cooking, I just couldn't take it. granted Josh's lobster was undercooked while all of Christine's dishes were spot on, but still. come on fuckin guy.

truth. it was just a decidedly bad producer-y moment when she won with yet another round of down home Saigon cooking, I just couldn't take it. granted Josh's lobster was undercooked while all of Christine's dishes were spot on, but still. come on fuckin guy.

I heard "creative writing student" and did a Sheila Broflovski "What what WHAAAT?" No wonder she's trying her hand at starting her own line of cookbooks/restaurants/whatever, if that's what she's going to grad school for. Wow. Stunning.

I heard "creative writing student" and did a Sheila Broflovski "What what WHAAAT?" No wonder she's trying her hand at starting her own line of cookbooks/restaurants/whatever, if that's what she's going to grad school for. Wow. Stunning.

casting the ultimate dudebro as a writer? Makes sense, Hollywood!

casting the ultimate dudebro as a writer? Makes sense, Hollywood!

I love how Frank was criticized for staying within his comfort zone of Italian food (and then proving the judges dead wrong with his non-Italian dishes) but Christine was allowed to cook mainly Asian dishes the whole way through.

I love how Frank was criticized for staying within his comfort zone of Italian food (and then proving the judges dead wrong with his non-Italian dishes) but Christine was allowed to cook mainly Asian dishes the whole way through.

C+! Hipsters everywhere crying themselves to sleep.

C+! Hipsters everywhere crying themselves to sleep.

she's not blind, but blind enough for the producers to create a suitable story around her. it's kinda sickening because it's clearly used as a way to curry (hah) favor with the judges and the audience

she's not blind, but blind enough for the producers to create a suitable story around her. it's kinda sickening because it's clearly used as a way to curry (hah) favor with the judges and the audience

why can't I stop watching HK. those white trash egomaniacs keep me coming back every monday!

why can't I stop watching HK. those white trash egomaniacs keep me coming back every monday!

I just found the pile of frog's legs disturbing because frankly, I find anything relating to frogs (or EUGGH eating them) disgusting. the legs of lamb and chicken looked amazing though, I definitely salivated at the prospect of leg of lamb.

I just found the pile of frog's legs disturbing because frankly, I find anything relating to frogs (or EUGGH eating them) disgusting. the legs of lamb and chicken looked amazing though, I definitely salivated at the prospect of leg of lamb.

Calling it right now, gonna be Christine. The producers have to let the blind polite Asian lady win.

Calling it right now, gonna be Christine. The producers have to let the blind polite Asian lady win.