
So I guess this is how religious types feel about the Higgs Boson.

So I guess this is how religious types feel about the Higgs Boson.

*to the tune of Beethoven's 5th* NOBODY CAAAARES! NOBODY CAAAARES!

*to the tune of Beethoven's 5th* NOBODY CAAAARES! NOBODY CAAAARES!

fucking hell, enough with this shit already

fucking hell, enough with this shit already

no love for the Next Men?

no love for the Next Men?

insanely hot girl smiling politely in the background while that dude tried to decipher the japanese packaging. wow.

insanely hot girl smiling politely in the background while that dude tried to decipher the japanese packaging. wow.

how does someone vie to be on a show named Master Chef and not know a lick about Indian food? Glad that hick is gone.

how does someone vie to be on a show named Master Chef and not know a lick about Indian food? Glad that hick is gone.

That Joe Bastardo or whatever his name is, is just a repulsive slime of a judge. He's incredibly condescending and smug, and I really just want one of the contestants to sock him in the face. I think it would be hilarious if he panned David Martin-EZ's dish again and David just burst out sobbing and socked Joe in the

That Joe Bastardo or whatever his name is, is just a repulsive slime of a judge. He's incredibly condescending and smug, and I really just want one of the contestants to sock him in the face. I think it would be hilarious if he panned David Martin-EZ's dish again and David just burst out sobbing and socked Joe in the

I would usually tune in for Monti, stay for Anna. I know they're both married but goddamn they're both hot

I would usually tune in for Monti, stay for Anna. I know they're both married but goddamn they're both hot

So it's I Am Legend with his son instead of a dog?

So it's I Am Legend with his son instead of a dog?

I thought those clips were mostly set to Headstrong by Trapt.

I thought those clips were mostly set to Headstrong by Trapt.